Continuing education throughout your life, also called Lifelong Learning, is made easier with access to the Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF), but also with a plethora of online resources available anytime.
To enable you to design your own training programme, the alumni career service recommends:
- Whats4u / Edflex (a simple tool to access qualified content and relevant information)
- Webinars and conferences listed on our agenda page
- Degrees and certification courses offered by emlyon business school executive education
Your unlimited access to Lifelong Learning
With the Lifelong Learning's Whats4u / EdFlex offer, you have access to a simple and agile content platform to boost the skills you need, when you need them!
emlyon alumni and six alumni associations have developed a partnership with Whats4u and EdFlex, the e-learning specialist.
Hundreds of resources are available to to help you improve your skills and take control of your professional development. EdFlex brings together the very best in training content: a wide range of formats, constantly updated content, and expert chat for personalised suggestions.
Every month, a new theme will be revealed in your career agenda and the alumni newsletter: just log on and stay updated!
Webinars and workshops
Our events, organised by the career service and community groups, also represent a significant opportunity to learn and share within the network with other alumni.
Our various speakers cover a wide range of subjects such as interpersonal communication, financial management, leadership, and more, offering numerous opportunities to strengthen your skills and knowledge.
emlyon courses
Because it is never too late to learn, understand, and challenge yourself, emlyon business school will support you throughout your professional life with nearly 40 courses in management, finance, marketing, business development and much more.
emlyon business school also offers customized training programs to support businesses in their need for adaptation and transformation.
Lifetime membership of the emlyon alumni network entitles you to a free module (see eligibility conditions*) and discounts on all certificates offered by emlyon executive education.
For more information on content and schedule of upcoming courses, you can contact Maeva GENOT ( or 06 07 95 49 53).