Our Employment & Career Planning Partners
We have selected offers from various partners specialising in career coaching. If no alumni career group or emlyon webinar is available within your timeframe, these associations offer services that have been tested and approved by our alumni.
Skills assessment
Financiable through your CPF (Congé Personnel de Formation - www.moncompteformation.gouv.fr),a skills assessment is designed to help you clarify your career plans. With or without an assessment, this clarification step is essential before any active job search and networking.
There are many skills assessment solutions on the market, and we encourage you to make an informed choice. Between online solutions and face-to-face meetings, it is up to you to make your choice by meeting with 2 or 3 firms.
Fully online assessment over a period of 12 weeks.
In-person or online assessment over a period of 12 weeks.
Group coaching
Similar to the Outplacement services offered by specialist HR firms, these associations design a range of services and support that are affordable for everyone. Through the strengh of the group, you will draw energy and explore new professional perspectives.
Are you an executive looking for a new job and eager to redirect your career? AVARAP offers you the chance to join a group to achieve this goal. The support method is based on the dynamics of group work over six to seven months. Several information meetings are scheduled each year in your career agenda.
As part of the G16+ (Groupement des Grandes Ecoles Françaises) and supported by the association Grandir, TREMPLIN offers several job-seeking groups of 15 to 20 senior executives or managers. Before joining a group, information meetings are held. Several information meetings are scheduled each year in your career agenda.
In addition to these two associations, the career service regularly and successfully collaborates with the alumni career services of Centrale Paris and Mines (Intermines). These two associations are highly committed to helping executives from our various schools in their professional transitions. To benefit from their support, and after an interview to validate your project and your commitment, you join the chosen association for one year.
The Contact group of Centrale Supélec Alumni regularly organizes networking meetings via Zoom with the following principle: 24 participants, 12 from CentraleSupélec and 12 graduates who are members of the alumni associations of the G16+. Each participant has 8 minutes to present their prokect to the 23 other participants and gather contact information for the target companies they have identified in their network profile. Beyond networking meetings, the Group is also there to provide regular support for your job search.
As historical partners, emlyon alumni and Intermines regularly work together. You can join the UFF (Union Fait la Force) groupe, which meets regularly in Paris for weekly 2-hour meetings, to optimise your job search and benefit from a network effect. The group is also open for remote participation. To join the UFF group, you can request a career interview prior to your first co-optation interview with UFF.
Resources for Entrepreneurs
With 1,600 volunteers, the association supports entrepreneurs who have lost their business to rebuild their personal lives and find a new career path. The support, which combines individual and group sessions, is free and for a maximum duration of 2 years.
Support in Lyon
For 30 years, Ressort has been welcoming and supporting executives and young graduates who are unemployed to help them bounce back and realise their potential and talents.
After a 3-week full-time training period, you will benefit from weekly group coaching for up to a year. Since its creation, IEVA has provided support for over 4,000 executives.