Sharing a Job Posting on the emlyon Alumni Site

- Graduates with more than 3 years of experience -

Dear recruiters and alumni, 


To post a job on the alumni site, it must meet certain criteria: 

  • Correspond to the programs offered by emlyon business school. 
  • Offer a fixed-term (CDD) or permanent (CDI) position for profiles with at least 3 years of experience. 
  • For internships, apprenticeships, and CDD-CDI for a first job (0-3 years of experience), please go directly to JobTeaser to post your offer (see our instructions below).

>> I am an alumni << 

As an alumni, you do not need to create a recruiter account, you can post directly from your alumni profile! 

Simply log in to your profile and go to the Career > Job Board tab. 

At the top right of your page, an Add a job button will take you to the page to enter your job information. 


All you need to do is fill out your various information. On this page, you can also target the graduates who match your search. 

Fill in all the fields as much as possible; the more precise a job offer is, the clearer and more attractive it is to candidates! 


If you wish to separate your alumni and recruiter profiles, you can create a recruiter profile to keep the two separate. Refer to the steps to follow for members external to the alumni network. 


>> I am external to the alumni network << 

As a recruiter external to the alumni network, you will need to create a recruiter account to post jobs on our job board. 


Since our site is currently under construction, account creation is postponed to a later date. In the meantime, please contact


Sharing a Job Posting on the JobTeaser emlyon Site 

- Students and recent graduates (0 to 3 years) -

To post a job on the JobTeaser platform, it must meet certain criteria: 

  • Correspond to the programs offered by emlyon business school. 
  • Offer a fixed-term (CDD) or permanent (CDI) position for junior profiles (0-3 years of experience). 
  • Offer an internship, apprenticeship, VAE, VIE, etc. 

This platform is frequently used by our students for their coursework as well as for internship and first job searches. 

>> I am external to the alumni network << 

Occasional job posting:

To post internships or job offers aimed at emlyon business school students and graduates, simply use the Job Posting Form on: JobTeaser Sign In.  


Regular job posting:

If you plan to share job offers regularly, we suggest creating your company profile on: JobTeaser Company Registration.   

>> I am alumni << 

You can also take on the role of a recruiter by posting your job offers on the JobTeaser site (following the usual procedure: JobTeaser Sign In) and indicate that you are an alumni.