Get involved!

The emlyon alumni network is yours! Bring it to life by getting involved with emlyon business school, its students and graduates. There are different ways to get involved, depending on your desires, your availability and your expertise. We all stand to gain.

Three ways to get involved:

Like many of our alumni, you too can demonstrate your attachment to the School and get involved alongside us.

I get involved

With the students

Become a mentor and share your experience with students. Support students in need by contributing to the emlyon Foundation. Share professional opportunities, facilitating the path to career opportunities. Get actively involved by joining various admissions juries. Your involvement makes all the difference!

Become a mentor

Complete your mentor profile to accompany and share your experience with a student.

I support the fundation

You can make a donation to the emlyon Foundation which will go directly to students in need.

I want to share an internship or a first job.

Promote student employability by sharing a job opportunity on JobTeaser.

I take part in juries

Contribute to the selection of future emlyon students by taking part in the juries for the PGE and BBA orals, which are held face-to-face every year between the end of May and the beginning of July.

Simulated oral exams

emlyon business school organizes mock interview sessions for students in preparatory classes or high schools from ZEP areas, with the aim of promoting equal opportunities. Take part in these mock interviews to give these students a chance to aim for the best schools.


Contribute actively to the recognition and celebration of the academic achievements of emlyon students by participating in graduation juries. You'll be offering your professional expertise to assess the skills and qualifications of future graduates, thereby reinforcing the School's excellence and reputation.

Get involved

With Graduates

Join us and play an active role in the alumni network! Become an ambassador in your region, within your company or within a thematic community. Share your expertise and skills by becoming a mentor for other alumni. Or open doors to new professional opportunities for the whole community. Get involved in the life of our alumni association and contribute to its dynamism. Together, we can make a real difference and build a strong, thriving network!

Become an ambassador

Ambassadors are graduates who volunteer their time within the emlyon alumni network. They play a key role in animating their geographic zone, thematic club, company network or class group. They relay information from the School and bring their communities together through events.

Become a mentor

Complete your mentor profile to share your skills and experience with another graduate.

I share a job offer

Contribute to the professional development of the emlyon alumni network by sharing relevant and rewarding job opportunities. In this way, you support 1600 beneficiaries of the career service.

I'm involved with the emlyon alumni association.

Take part in the General Assemblies of the alumni association, and in elections for members of the Board of Directors. You can become an administrator and represent alumni interests to the School.

I get involved

With the school

As representatives of the excellence and entrepreneurial spirit conveyed by the School, alumni play a crucial role in maintaining and strengthening emlyon's reputation. By sharing your professional experience with students, calling on the School to train you at different times in your life, or connecting your company with emlyon, alumni help perpetuate emlyon's legacy and create opportunities for future generations.

become a speaker
Become a speaker

Become a guest lecturer and pass on the lessons learned from your professional and personal career to emlyon students with passion and commitment, preparing them in a more concrete way for the challenges and opportunities they will encounter in their own academic and professional careers.

Paying the taxe d'apprentissage

Thanks to the apprenticeship tax, emlyon can continue to develop its social outreach programs such as La Toile, which offers a new chance of professional integration to people who are far from employment or who have dropped out of the school system.

emlyon executive education courses

Because it's never too late to learn, understand and challenge yourself, emlyon business school can support you throughout your professional life with nearly 40 courses in management, finance, marketing, business development and much more. 

emlyon business school also offers customized training programs to help companies adapt and transform.

Become an emlyon partner

You can collaborate with our school in a number of areas: training & education, recruitment & employer brand, research & development and strategy.