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How to create intergenerational connections within the Alumni Network?

emlyon alumni chapters



How to create intergenerational connections within the Alumni Network?

At emlyon alumni, we strive to engage emlyon business school students and strengthen the bonds between them and our graduates. On June 13th, 80 students from the MSc in Finance had the opportunity to meet the London alumni community.

This was a perfect occasion for our students to discover life across the Channel and to forge valuable connections with our graduates.

A huge thank you to
Benoit Dubief (PGE 19), thanks to whom this event could take place at the prestigious Oxford and Cambridge Club🙏

We would also like to warmly thank all our alumni and students who attended in large numbers, as well as our emlyon ambassadors in London for the impeccable organization of this event.

👏 Jerome FoucaudOlivier MarretSarah NsiriCharlotte BerliozFrance Bachelot, your commitment and support are invaluable!


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