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Message from the President of the Emlyon Alumni Association

emlyon alumni chapters



Dear alumni of emlyon business school, 

I'm delighted to announce that on April 8th, I became the new President of Calian Advanced Technologies. This is excellent news for me, and I am looking forward to an exciting new professional challenge. 

In this new context, and after having been Chair of the Board of our alumni association for 3 years, I shared with our emlyon alumni Board of Directors the need to reduce my term of office.

In order to ensure real continuity until the new directors take office in 2025, the emlyon alumni Board of Directors unanimously decided to entrust the interim Chair to Brigitte Zeller, currently the association's Marketing VP, as defined per bylaws in the event of the elected Chair of the Board unavailability. 

At the request of Brigitte and all the members of the emlyon alumni Board of Directors, I will continue to sit as a member of the emlyon alumni Board of Directors and represent our association on our school's Supervisory Board until the next elections in 2025 and the new elected Chair of the Board takes office. 

I'm very proud of the work accomplished over the past 3 years with the entire emlyon alumni board, the Advancement & Alumni Relations team, and with the support of emlyon leadership and teams. Key projects include :

  • the development of our "raison d'être" (Purpose) , 
  • the forthcoming launch of our new digital platform, which will enable us to provide personalized content based on alumni expectations, 
  • major initiatives to develop mentoring, 
  • the development of our network of ambassadors (promotions, companies, international...), 
  • inspiring speeches by our alumni,
  • moments of seriousness and conviviality within our business clubs in France and abroad, 
  • and emblematic events that will become even more dynamic with the arrival of the new Lyon Campus. 

These are all links forged between us that strengthen our network and its reputation, enabling our lifelong learning abilities. 

Thanks to the close collaboration between our Board of Directors and emlyon leadership in defining the new strategic project “Résonances 2024-2028”, alumni are more than ever a key pillar of emlyon strategy. In implementing this plan, I know that Brigitte will be able to count on a very solid and exemplary Board of Directors to continue the work already underway. 

A huge “thank you” to Brigitte for accepting, with her usual enthusiasm and dynamism, to take over. I would also like to thank the entire Board ant its Office for their unwavering commitment. 

The new Office of the Board is now composed of :

Brigitte Zeller - Chairman of the Board (Interim)

Soumya Loughreit - Marketing VP

Vincent Leroux – Finance VP and Treasurer of the association

Francois Rod & Sylvie Gomes - Operations VP and Association Secretaries

Bruce Roch - Alumni representative on the Excom of the emlyon Foundation

Please join me in wishing them every success in the continuation of their mandate.

Best regards 

Valerie Travain Milone

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