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Elections 2025: Renewal of the emlyon alumni Governance Board

emlyon alumni chapters



Every two years, the emlyon alumni association renews half of its Board of Directors. If you are a lifetime member of the network, you are invited to vote for 10 new members of the Board of Directors. This vote, essential to the vitality and representativeness of our association, takes place online from February 4 at 11am to March 13, 2025 at 5pm CET. The results will be announced at the Annual General Meeting on March 14, 2025 at 1pm by videoconference.

👨‍🎓👩‍🎓 Positions up for renewal 

10 positions to be filled will complete the 6 positions already in office until 2027. Together, they will form a 17-member Board of Directors, including Isabelle Huault, President of emlyon business school, as an ex-officio member.

These 10 positions are divided into three geographical colleges:

Collège Île-de-France: 3 positions (at least 1 man and 1 woman)

Collège International: 2 positions (1 man and 1 woman)

Collège Régions: 5 positions (at least 2 men and 2 women)


Following the call for candidates on November 5, many alumni expressed their desire to become actively involved in the life of the association.

The investiture committee, provided for in the bylaws, is made up of :

  • 2 committed graduates from outside the Board of Directors,
  • 2 current members of the emlyon alumni Board of Directors,
  • 1 alumni employee of the school.

It examined each application and conducted individual interviews. 

Discover the final list of 22 candidates submitted for your vote.

Discover the 22 candidates

🗳️How to vote? 

If you are on the electoral list (graduates with lifetime membership), you will normally have received an e-mail from Neovote (entitled “emlyon alumni elections”, address “”) on Tuesday February 4. This e-mail contains instructions on how to connect to your secure voting space. 

Step 1 - Connect to your voting space :

Connect to your voting space on by entering:

📌 your individual identifier received in the mail from Neovote on February 4

📌 your date of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format.

In the event of connection problems, please use online support at or call the toll-free number 0.800.808.900 (free service and call) or (national call rate).

Step 2 - Electronic voting : 

Once you have logged in, you can vote in all three colleges, regardless of where you live. For each college, you can choose between 1 and 5 candidates, depending on the number of positions to be filled. The order in which you select your candidates will have no impact on the results, and the gender of candidates will not be a voting criterion, but will be used to ensure parity among elected representatives.

On your online voting space, you will need to withdraw your “password”, which will be required to validate your vote.

Electronic voting instructions are available at

Voting will take place between Tuesday February 4 at 11:00 am and Thursday March 13 at 5:00 pm CET.

✉️Postal voting

If you are unable to vote online, you can vote by post until Monday March 10 (date as postmark). Download the AG2025 postal voting form.pdf.

📅Election calendar

  • January 26, 2025: Official close of nominations.
  • January 27, 2025: Validation of candidacies by the Board of Directors. Candidates meet with members of the current Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee to launch the election campaign. The campaign will take place on the official emlyon alumni LinkedIn group, in support of our school and its network.
  • February 4, 2025: Publication of the list of candidates and their application files, opening of electronic and postal voting.
  • February 10, 2025: Invitation to the Annual General Meeting.
  • March 11, 2025: Closure of postal voting.
  • March 13, 2025 at 5pm: Electronic voting closes.
  • March 14, 2025 at 1pm: Proclamation of results at the Annual General Meeting by videoconference.

💪Get involved for the future of our network

Your involvement in these elections is essential. It is yet another sign of support for our school and alumni network. Thank you all for your commitment!


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