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Good Bye Ecully ✨

emlyon news



Dear Alumni,

It is with great emotion that we announce the closure of the Écully campus, an iconic place that has witnessed so many memories and significant moments. For decades, this campus has been much more than just a learning space; it has been the cradle of our ambitions, the witness of our successes, and the setting for our dearest friendships.

The Écully campus has seen generations of students pass through its halls, who have now become leaders, innovators, and agents of change worldwide. Its corridors still echo with laughter and passionate discussions, late-night study sessions, and year-end celebrations. Every corner of this place is filled with shared stories, received teachings, and forged dreams.

We wish to pay tribute to this place that has contributed so much to our journeys. Your anecdotes, memories, and photos are welcome to celebrate the legacy of Écully together. Share them with us through the comments so that we can all relive these precious moments.

The closure of this campus does not mark an end, but rather the beginning of a new chapter for emlyon. Our values, our spirit of innovation, and our close-knit community will continue to thrive, driven by the same passion and commitment.

Thank you to each of you for making this campus a unique and unforgettable place. Together, let us keep the memory of Écully alive and proudly carry the legacy of our school towards new horizons.

With all our gratitude and nostalgia,

The emlyon alumni Team

📸 To mark our last year on the Écully campus, teachers Jean Louis MAGAKIAN and Vincent Giolito have been running a photographic project since September. The 30 to 40 images captured throughout the year are a superb tribute to the campus where generations of students have succeeded one another and marked the history of emlyon since 1972. These images will be featured in an online photo exhibition and published in a photo book, with all proceeds going to the emlyon Foundation.

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