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Can graduates access the new campus in Lyon ?

emlyon news



Since the start of the 2024 academic year, all emlyon graduates have been able to visit the new campus in Lyon, 144 avenue Jean Jaurès. As the entrances are secure, you must pass through an access control system using a QR code valid for 24 hours.

How do I get my QR code to access the new Lyon campus?

As an alumni, you can access the common areas of the new emlyon campus using a QR code valid for 24 hours. To do this, log in with your emlyon login on the platform, then click on the button below to create your access QR code:

Get my QR code to access the campus

Once the request has been made, you will receive your QR code in an email sent to your emlyon email address Remember to check your spam! Your emlyon mailbox is accessible via (same login and password as those used to connect to the platform). 

A QR code is valid for 24 hours and gives you access to the campus common areas during campus opening hours (7am-10pm, Monday to Saturday).

What areas can I use to work?

This QR code, valid for 24 hours, gives you access to the various common areas of the campus:

- The "Coeur battant"

- Informal workstations 

- Dining areas

- The gardens

The library is also accessible without having to go through the security gates (opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 8pm and Saturdays from 10am to 4pm). 

So you can work or take part in an online meeting in any of these areas.

If you are a Club ambassador and would like to use a space on campus to organise a meeting or event, please contact the alumni team, who will book the appropriate space for you.

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